mindful coaching.

mindful coaching.


are you feeling stress, anxious or stuck with your life or asking yourself one of the following?

why am I not taking that scaring step forward?’

‘I am so busy I cannot see any light on my life and I cannot breathe anymore’

‘I am totally unworthy. why do I get so frustrated from my failures?’

tip n.1: there is no such thing as failure!

tip n.2: maybe you just need someone helping you understanding your priorities and helping to make clarity on your thoughts and how to see the silver linings. everyone is perfectly capable to be happier and more successful!

we are all different humans being with unique natures. Whether you are a freelancer or just a busy person, I will listen to your needs, bring you to a mindfulness approach and stay close to you in achieving your goals in career, health and nutrition, good habits routine, stress reduction and much more.

how does it work?

this is a very tailored program. it consists of 4 to 8-sessions of 60 minutes meeting each once a week or fortnight.

before we start, we will organize a free 20 minutes consultation via Zoom which will help me structure your action plan.

most of the job will be done by you on your daily routine while our live sessions will be just a way to give you a mindful space of discussion and accountability.

looking forward to seeing you succeed in the beautiful life you deserve!

don’t hesitate to drop an email at hello@giorgiamoras.com for any enquiries and I’ll be happy to give you more information.